Inside the Promotion with Sabrina Silva
Richard Allen Inc. has a brand-new Assistant Manager! Our outstanding team member, Sabrina Silva, found herself in the middle of a promotion recently, a very well-deserved move for a hardworking entrepreneur. Silva started her journey with Richard Allen Inc. in September of 2019. As we celebrate her recent growth, we picked her brain a bit about her experience and outlook in her new position.
Let’s reflect on the start of your journey. Do you remember your early days at Richard Allen?
“It’s been an incredible journey; I started here almost two years ago. I started to look for opportunities to build a career in New York in April of 2019. Richard Allen Inc caught my attention with the corporate advancement opportunity that they offer, which was exactly what I was looking for. I still remember the excitement I felt receiving Marianne’s call, a fellow Brazilian woman who works with the company in the New Jersey office. She called to congratulate me and offer me the job. I was thrilled and eager to start; I knew it was a huge step in my professional life. The Richard Allen team was patient with me while I waited in Brazil for my US authorization. Finally, my visa was approved, and I was able to get to work. I vividly remember my first day; I arrived in the states on a Friday morning, and one of my teammates picked me up from the airport! The very next day, some of my teammates took me to a Yankees game to meet the rest of the team; it was such a warm welcome. As anyone who has worked in the sales industry knows, the job is a grind and can be difficult sometimes, but I have truly loved and embraced the entire experience. Since I started, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and work with so many incredible, motivated, and interesting people from a diverse set of backgrounds. These people have provided me with a lot of perspectives and set great examples for me to achieve success in a wide variety of situations and persevere through so many potential barriers that come up on the way to accomplishing a goal.”
How did you get promoted? What did you do to achieve that goal?
“Behind any promotion is a ton of hard work; it’s the key to opening that door and taking the next step. I trusted in the journey and the process and put the work in. This has been a crazy year for everyone, and the Richard Allen team was forced to think differently and adapt to an unfamiliar reality. However, this company is made of a great group of strong people, from the owner down to the newest hire. We pushed ourselves to step up our game and put ourselves out there. I was able to join some amazing online training sessions and other workshops that were productive and valuable to our growth. These activities provided us with so much knowledge, which helped me get promoted to Assistant Manager. Another thing that I believe helped me get promoted is my sense of manifestation. Every Sunday, I write down my goals. This pushes me to keep my eye on the prize and make the right moves during tough times. I love tracking my progress and evaluating my next steps.”
How has your career grown since starting at the company?
“Working at Richard Allen, we learn and develop tons of skills. The process of growth within the company is unique and challenging. Staying motivated and focused on what matters to you is important. For me, I love working for Richard Allen because it is rewarding to help a customer better operate his or her business through our services. I also take great pride in helping my team members find solutions in the field and achieve their goals. These things serve as my primary motivations for giving my best every workday. I always valued the fairness involved with the growth process at Richard Allen, where each person in the company has started in the same position to get wherever he or she is today. Currently, I am developing my skills related to balancing my sales and managing a team of people. Having meetings with other managers and owners has helped me significantly.”
What advice would you give to people hoping to get promoted in the business?
“Always take the time to learn from others, especially those who are more experienced than you or who are in a position you’d like to get to in the future. In turn, begin practicing and applying those tips and techniques in your own life and work. For example, I always look to my leader, Ben, for advice on handling a certain situation. He taught me how to move towards my goals, encouraging me to map them out and put in the work.”
How do you define success?
“Success can be defined in a lot of different ways, but I think it broadly covers two things; your happiness and your positive impact on others. First, I believe finding what makes you happy and using that to shape your goals helps keep you motivated. In turn, you need to back this motivation up with intelligent preparation and a fierce work ethic to achieve those goals. Finally, don’t be afraid to make mistakes or fail, but always face your mistakes and make sure to learn and grow from each one.”
“As Pele once said, ‘success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.’”
Sabrina Silva is many things; inspiring, motivated, driven, encouraging, and most of all, kind. These are the things we look for when promoting leaders and hiring entrepreneurs. We are thrilled to promote Sabrina Silva to Assistant Management, to reward her hard work, and set an example of what a Richard Allen Inc leader looks like.