Preparing for Life After Graduation

Richard Allen Inc
3 min readApr 15, 2021

If you’re preparing to graduate from college this upcoming May, you’ve most likely got a lot on your plate. Between wrapping up the last few weeks of classes and saying goodbye to the life you’ve led for the past four years, preparing for your post-graduation career is most likely sitting on the back burner. However, take our team here at Richard Allen Inc’sadvice. The job market is hot right now. If you want to have any hope of landing a dream position, you have to start applying NOW!

So, what should you do first?

Create an eye-catching resume

Step one is to create a resume. Again, the job market is booming at the moment. You’re going to want your resume to stand out and be top-of-the-pile worthy. To achieve this, you need to keep your resume to one page, use a standard font, list your most recent achievements, and include a picture of yourself in professional business attire! It’s imperative that you create a connection with recruiters right off the bat.

Have a LinkedIn profile

Are you on LinkedIn? If you’re not or haven’t touched your profile in years, we recommend spending some time on this site ASAP. We live in the digital age, and recruiters want to guarantee that the candidates they choose to interact with are at the top of their field. Your LinkedIn profile allows you to showcase your skills, experiences, and interests in an easy-to-read and professional manner. Remember to have a neutral party look over your site before including a link on your resume. It’s always best to get a second opinion!

Prepare for your virtual interviews

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of your interviews will take place virtually. Meaning you’ll have to put in a little more work to showcase yourself and why you would be the best pick for the position. Before your meeting, research the company in-depth, ensure that your computer is equipped to handle the interview software, and practice common interview questions. The goal is for you to highlight your professionalism and to appear confident throughout!

Always follow up

Even pre-pandemic, we always recommended that candidates follow up. Recruiters and management teams are meeting with many people daily. So, you want to make sure that you are someone that they can’t forget. Send an email expressing your gratitude for their time and how much you enjoyed meeting with them. Remember always to include the names of those you met with, something you took away from the interview, and how excited you are to hear back from them!

There you have it, graduates! You’re about to enter a new chapter in your life, and although it’s a bit frightening, it’s also extremely exciting! You’ve been building up to this moment for years. Don’t waste your potential because you’re feeling scared or overwhelmed. Instead, put our advice to good use! Our Richard Allen Inc team has been in your shoes and knows that the best path to success is outside your comfort zone. Now, stop scrolling through your Instagram feed reminiscing, and start creating your resume!

To learn about our open job opportunities here at Richard Allen, Inc., visit our website’s careers tab.



Richard Allen Inc

Richard Allen Inc is a prominent marketing and sales firm in White Plains, NY, dedicated to succeeding and blogging.